Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hi there! Miss me? Hope not..

I've been occupied with a little project my dearest Bro Ali had given me. Thanks Bro for accupying me with this.. At the same time making myself useful by learning the computer. He.He.He..

A website to call my own. Thanks to Bro Ali who gave it to me as an advance birthday present.. Costly one but hopefully will reap in profits in the future.. Insya Allah.. Trying to recall my past experiences was quite a challenging one. You know.. I've not been writing for quite a while.. You know, the sitting down, Cracking your brains to get ideas & putting these in writing.. Phew!! Getting the hang of it I hope..

So far I managed to write 3 articles base on my experience. Not bad for starters.. Thanks to Ida(Bro Ali's other half) she designed the website. Nice.. Interesting.. Thanks again Ida... The only thing for me to do is to provide materials for it.. Pening!! Pening!!

My wife & I had lunch at MacDonald's with my parents, my siblings & niece yesterday. One big happy family. At night, met up with Bro Ali & wifey at Spize cos she felt like having Mee Sop.. Hai.. Siapa yg mengandung ni?? Anyway, we bumped into Nishad & wifey there. They were the ones in charge for our wedding decoration last July. Good job guys... I'll definitely refer them to anyone who is getting married.. Worth your money.. I can guarantee that...

Nishad's wife is expecting too. Around the same time as my wife is due.. They were from the S'pore Xpo for the 'Pameran Pengantin" They had their supper there.

As for us, we lepak & had our supper. By the way, Liverpool knocked out Man. United out of the FA Cup. Better luck next time guys.. Or maybe no luck at all... He He He..
We left the place at 3am. Ali asked me to come to Clementi for soccer at 10am but I don't think so lah kan!! You can carry on Bro.. Rest kat rumah lagi best... Face the computer... Macam sekarang..

Ok lah.. Sampai di sini saja BEBELAN saya.. Hingga berjumpa lagi di hari & waktu yg lain.. Bye Bye..

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Assalamualaikum..I'm back again.. Hmm.. Very addictive this 'BLOGGING' thingy..

Anyhow, finally met up with my bro on V'day evening @2330hrs. He suggested Swensen's next to Paragon. Picked my sis-in-law at Somerset & drove past the restaurant. Wah got Q liao!! At 11pm.. Called him & we ended up at 3 Monkeys Cafe at Orchard Towers...

So, we had something light there. Talked a bit.. Almost forgot, the company that night consisted of A.A.Ali & wife, Me & wife, Yan & wife.. Ooopss!! Sorry..Sorry.. Tersasul.. Yan & Miss Lala.. Jgn marah eh.. Yan.. Same goes to Lala.

It's been a while since i hang out in town at night.. Not too bad lah kan.. Remember the old days... Just struck me, I'm on standby that day. But I guess it's another off day.. Yahoo!!!

Then we adjourned to Clementi Ave 2 for light tea. There Ali explained to both the wives about a project he has for them.. As for me, my dearest Bro Ali has not given up hope yet. Although he had talked to me about a few projects($$$) I just sat on them... Sometimes I wonder why has he not given up on me? I'm just plain lazy, I guess. Furthermore, I know nuts about Computers.. Have to start now.. B4 it's too late.. Gotta help myself...

We dispersed @ 0400hrs $ I got home about 0500hrs.

Jeng! Jeng! Jeng! I woke up @ 0900hrs the next day. Called Ali & he was surprised I woke up early. Had late B'fast with my wife at home.. Headed to Tampines Mall to check out any latest HP. Maklumlah dapat $100 voucher. Nothing interesting.. Even in Clementi. Then went to Tingkat 6 for Nasi Lemak. Malu jugak tapi Rezki jgn ditolak.. Apalagi bedal lah!!

Reached home about 2000hrs. Wanted to rest for a while & maybe go out for supper. Last last tidur sampai pagi lah! "Nafsu Ada Tenaga Kurang!".. Kwang! Kwang! Kwang!

Woke up early today. Brought my wife to the doctor. Very bad cough she has.. Whole night she didn"t sleep well..Plus my snoring lah!! Feel very bad... Got to do something about my weight... Lunch at Parkway with Wifey & parents.. Then head home to rest... My wife's sleeping now after the medication...

Oklah!! Dah habis.. Jari pun dah penat.. Till my next update session....

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hello there! It's me again.... Surprised? Me too... I didn't expect to update my blog so soon...

Actually, I'm really free now cos I was on course...Yes on COURSE.. Taken off my standby & put to attend this course... Office hours.... What a drag... However, I survived!!!

OK..OK.. Back to the course I went today... It's called "SINGAPORE AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME" So I'm officially qualified to promote my beloved country to tourists around the world. Wow! A big responsibility!! As if I bother..

Arrived at SIA Training Centre at 0815hrs & went straight to class. The Trainer came on time at 0900hrs. He started by talking about the history of Singapore...Alamak! History lesson ke bang!

From Sir Stamford Raffles to Sang Nila Utama, he covered everything about WW2. Actually very interesting to learn about the war. Got some references from the trainer for my future readings.(if I ever find the time lah!)

Next he went into the different cultures in Singapore. Mainly the CHINESE, MALAYS & INDIANS. So we discussed on topics ranging from Chinatown, Kampong Glam, Little India, Merlion, etc... Hmmm.. I wonder how come Geylang is not in the picture....
After that he touched on interesting sites found in Singapore.. eg: Zoo, Bird Park.. etc. You guys fill the rest..

Then comes the various festivals celebrated in Singapore. I didn't realise we had so many festivals in a year....Woohoo!! Too bad no PH on some of these festivals... Damn!

Lastly, he covered on how to draft an itinerary for tourist coming to Singapore. It can consist of 1,2,3 day programme or even more... So I'm not only here to serve pax on board but a tour guide as well... Have to consider monetary returns...

The most interesting part of the course is knowing the various places on War Memorial. I will definitely try to visit these sites if I have the time. It's good to know what went on in Singapore during the war... Suddenly, feeling a bit patriotic.... Majulah Singapura!

Alright..Alright... Enough of my day... Kan sesekali update...Not Bad!!

I better get ready.. Meeting my Bro MAPLEK tonight.. Dah lama tak jumpa... Nanti merajuk pulak orang tua tu!

Till the next update..(God Knows When!)..

Happy reading people!!!

Monday, February 13, 2006

WAH!!! It's been a very long time since i update this blog of mine. As a matter of fact, this is the 2nd time i'm writing something. No excuses.. Just plain lazy....

For starters, I'm still not in the mood to update. So see ya!!!!