Wednesday, March 01, 2006


9 days I'm away.. My apologies to all who have been waiting anxiously for my updates(tengok muka kenal) A bit busy with things to do as well as helping my dear friends...

Where can I start? Hmmm... Ok.. Here goes...


Left Singapore for Karachi on 20 Feb.. Yes.. Karachi. My dearest Mamu Ali was worried shit about my departure to that city. The happenings that you read in the papers, turmoil's there. The recent one being the riots over the Cartoons Incident. I can understand his sentiments. My dearest wife keep reminding me not to go out of the hotel. I love you darling. Well.. I was there for 2 days. Alhamdulillah...Nothing bizarre happened. I manage to enjoy the sights of the place, its bazaar, people... Came back to Singapore in 1 piece on 23 Feb..

Accompanied my Bro Sham to the Sub-Courts the next day(24 Feb).. Some Magistrate Order against his father & sis-in-law.. However, he was informed there was a change of date which was the day before.. He didn't receive any letter informing him of the change in date.. So the Magistrate closed the case since my Bro wasn't present.. Due to this my Bro had to write a letter to ask them to open the case again.. Which would take another 2 wks... The waiting game again... My Bro had to wait 3 goddamn mths b4 his complaint is being heard... Wow! That's how long the POLICE takes to investigate this case... Well Done!!!

That night my wife & I went to Le Meridien Orchard to attend the launch of the new collection of cosmetics by E. Funkhouser...(AmWay punyalah!!!) Support sikit my Bro.. Very educational... You learn about make-up..

The next day(25 Feb), I went to Eunos for the B'day Party of Amira Sufya(anak Ali Dah!) Really a PARTY!!! A smaller scale of Jemputan Kahwin... Kemah ada.. Kerusi Meja ada... Deco ada... Buffet spread ada.. Cuma Berkat tak ada... It was a big event though... As usual I made myself useful... Collect plates & glasses... Make sure air cukup.. Replenish clean plates, glasses & utensils... Best jugak.. Tolong kendarat... The party ended at about 8.30pm

Left for Bangkok the next day(26 Feb).. Spent a night there & was back on 27 Feb.. I got the chance to visit the AmWay warehouse. Huge building I must say...

That is all that I can remember... A busy off day in Singapore.. By the way, today is my nephew's 1'st Birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY AKIF BUDIMAN!! Hope I can celebrate with him when I come back from my trip on 3 Mar.

Time to go. Gotta get ready for work... Good Luck Guys in reading...

Hear from me soon!!!